Dr. Edyta Rychlicka Buniowska, senior post-doc in the „Loss of chromosome Y and human disease” Research Group obtained a funding in the MINIATURA 7 call by the NCN Narodowe Centrum Nauki for the project “Assessment of the impact of loss of Y chromosome (LOY) on the functioning of human macrophages differentiated in vitro from peripheral blood monocytes – analysis at the mRNA transcriptome level”. Congratulations
My goal is to assess the impact of LOY on the functions of human macrophages, and identify genes and molecular pathways that may be deregulated as a result of LOY. Since the macrophages play an important role in the etiology of various types of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), and LOY has been reported to be strongly associated with CVDs, the results of my project will provide the basis for a comprehensive understanding of this problem and might trigger further functional studies – explains Edyta Rychlicka-Buniowska.
For full list of granted projects visit Polish-language NCN’s website: https://ncn.gov.pl/konkursy/wyniki/miniatura7
photo Paweł Sudara/MUG