Team of the International Research Agenda 3P – Medicine Laboratory has created software for collecting, managing and processing data about patients, donors and biological material, as well as for managing and storage whole biological collections. Bio3P is a free tool available in the cloud at https://bio3p.gumed.edu.pl. Its main objective is supporting researchers and clinicians in gathering and analyzing samples and data.
from the left: Dr. Habil. Jakub Mieczkowski (project’s Supervisor, IRA MUG), Natalia Filipowicz, Ph.D. (IRA MUG), Kinga Drężek, M.A. (IRA MUG), Jakub Szymanowski (Bioenit company)
– Bio3P has a potential as a tool in scientific and clinical projects on various scales, depending on recipient’s needs and size: groups conducting smaller and bigger scientific projects, biorepositories or biobanks. It is perfect system for cooperation between geographically scattered units collecting data in common project – explains project’s Supervisor Dr. Habil. Jakub Mieczkowski. – Its unquestionable advantage is lack of necessity to units’ investment in software, IT infrastructure and hiring specialists for its maintenance and development.
The system is fully flexible and allows to define parameters and processing methods, as well as to import and export parameters from standard database files.
– If your project is already going, it allows to easily migrate data to Bio3P. To use the system, you only need a browser, both in computer and in smartphone or tablet – adds Natalia Filipowicz, Ph.D. from the International Research Agenda of the MUG. – Visualization and data analysis module allows the integration with image data, its regionalization, tagging, as well as creating diagrams based on data stored in the system.
Despite system’s availability in the cloud, all data is still located on servers of the Medical University of Gdańsk. IRA’s team provides support allowing to start working with the system. People interested in taking advantage on the Bio3P system are kindly requested to direct contact with the IRA’s specialists via mab@gumed.edu.pl address.
Bio3P system has been created within the project „Wdrożenie oprogramowania integrującego zarządzanie kolekcjami materiału biologicznego z eksploracją danych molekularnych i klinicznych, w tym obrazowych” (“Implementing of software integrating management of biological material collections with explorating of molecular and clinical data, including image data”). Dr. Habil. Jakub Mieczkowski from the International Research Agenda of the MUG is the supervisor of the project. Project got funding from the Inkubator Innowacyjności 4.0. (Incubator of Innovations 4.0.) programme, under the non-competing project of the Ministry of Education and Science titled Wsparcie zarządzania badaniami naukowymi i komercjalizacja wyników prac B+R w jednostkach naukowych i przedsiębiorstwach (Support of research management and B+R results’ commercialization in scientific units and companies), realized by the Center of Technology Transfer. The system has been created in cooperation with BIOENIT Jakub Szymanowski company.
photo: Paweł Sudara/MUG, Magda Kutc, IRA